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    Usually you only need to escape the first bracket
    This $variable and (3+4) are escaped with \
    This "test value" and "7" have not been escaped
    The "get" variables break as \ is not a valid character here and the $variable is escaped
    {_$$variable|default} and {_$func|default}
    Direct function call
    eulav tset
    This will still work on some browsers but the ; will be missing in the source code &
    add a semicolon to an end of line entity &
    printing on multiple lines
    print_raw prints everything like $variable and (3+4) unparsed
    it will still parse {{ }} wrappers and "get" variables "test value" and "default"
    To show the text use an entity to replace {
    "{_$$variable|default}" and "{_$func|default}"

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